eCAP project nearing design freeze and integration testing
This week, eCAP consortium was happy to gather in Strasbourg, France to mark month 30 of the four-year project. Kindly hosted by the project coordinator IHU Strasbourg, we spent 2 days discussing recent successes and milestones, while mapping out an ambitious task list until the end of the project.
Last months have been dedicated to finalising the design of the capsule antenna, under the leadership of Tyndall National Institute. Capsule communication has been successfully validated in preclinical tests, in collaboration with IHU Strasbourg. Meanwhile, Sentron Europe, EnteraSense, and IHU, supported by AMIRES, have lined out the responsibilities for manufacturing and testing. At the meeting, timelines and subtasks in preparation of eCAP clinical studies in France, Ukraine and Kenya were agreed, spanning from finalisation of regulatory documentation to integration tests of the capsule and e-health platform developed by RDS.
After technical and project management discussions, partners focused on the future of eCAP. Several exploitable results were identified, with plans for protecting the intellectual property generated in the project. Planning was kicked off for additional fundraising and creating a start-up to commercialise eCAP device. Furthermore, partners have agreed on a schedule for publications to disseminate the project results, following the example of the systemic review on the cost effectiveness and economic burden of GERD diagnosis and treatment, published in BMC Health Services Research earlier this month by Betthera and IHU Strasbourg.
Keep and eye on our website and LinkedIn to stay up to date with the latest developments on the project!